Thursday, February 12, 2009

We love you Ariel and Aaron!

We are all so sad to hear that Ariel's mom died this past week. She was a fantastic lady who loved her family so much! Our hearts grieve with Ariel and Aaron as they deal with this great loss! Please keep them in your prayers and give them a big hug when you see them!

Sorry that we couldn't have Ground Zero this week! I had to attend one of my favorite Aunt's funeral up in Michigan. We will be on as usual next week, but Ground Zero will be delayed after that until March 10th. More on that later!

Don't forget to bring in your camp deposit if you haven't! I am looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3, 2009 Go hunting for Bears and Ourselves!

Tonight was a great night at Ground Zero! We started out by reviewing how God was so very awesome in answering our prayers to find Ian's keys. He was AMAZING! in the way He revealed His power and glory with just a small set of keys! I am afraid, however, that we put God on the spot again by asking Him to show Matt where his $300.00 is. Now we realize that maybe God does not want Matt to know, and yet we are confident that He will bring some form of closure to the issue!

Acutally, that is not exactly true....we actually started out the night with 3 teens going on a "Bear Hunt" in which they were charged with hunting for 6 gummy bears in a bowl of whipped cream with only their teeth. It was fun, and when asked if there was some purpose...did it have any meaning to anything...the answer was no. But maybe it was an example of clean fun. Fun that does not need alcolhol, drugs, or sex. Just fun....and it was. (see video above)

We also talked about how well the Chili Cook-off went. As many great pots of chili that there were, one of our own...Matthew Preblick....won the contest and brought home the prize!!!! His chili was awesome! Ground Zero is proud of Matthew!!!! And....over $800.00 was raised for Big Stuf Camp this summer!!!! Our next fund raisers will be collecting spare change in our pigs (see picture above) and a yard sale at the Turner's house in March.

"It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This signet from God is the first installment on what's coming, a reminder that we'll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life." Ephesians 1:13-14.

These verses are a gentle reminder that it is our life entwined inside the life of Christ that sets us free and gives us a life that is greater and bigger than the life on this earth that we are surrounded and tormented by! And THANK GOD for that!!! This world is not our home! Inside the life of Christ is!!! And that my friends, is SO MUCH BETTER than even finding our keys or our $300.00!!!

We will be back next Tuesday for more of God sightings and great news of our new freedoms with Jesus! Hope to see you there!