Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How do YOU share Jesus with others?

That was sort of the topic tonight at Ground Zero. Spurned on by an article I read on one of my favorite Youth Leader web sites. ( Evangelism. Hmmmm.....what really works? How did you hear about and become aware of Jesus and what He did for you?

We discussed the pros and cons of street evangelism verses relationship evangelism and learned that when Jesus said "This is how they will know that you are my disciple, that you love one another" (John 13:35) that maybe He was telling us that THAT is the way to explain Him to loving them.
This type of evangelism requires an investment from us in others (to have friends), but if we have Jesus in us, if we are Jesus walking and talking, this type of evangelism is not an effort or a plan, but a way of life. Others can see Jesus in us...whether we know it or not.....whether we try to or not....whether we like it or not.

Agree? Disagree? Post a comment and let us know!

We also want to thank Mr. Bob (Bob Cary) for joining us today! We are not sure if we helped him in his not-so-perfect day, but he is a great example of the topic of conversation in the way he revealed Jesus to us (without ever knowing it).

We had a great group tonight and hope that everyone can come back next week. If you find yourself "evangelising" this week and can invite someone to come with you, that would be awesome....dare I say....that would be God.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Hello There! I hope everyone is having a great spring break! It has become apparent that many of you have been traveling to great sunny (and hopefully wamer) locations. Because of that, Ground Zero will be postoned until next is just hard to compete with the beach, etc.

Does it look like this picture where you are? If it does, great for you! And give a big shout out to God for creating something so beautiful! But. . . don't forget, as fantastic as this creation is, YOU are his best work!

See you next week on April 14th!